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Collaboration of P1-0404 Members in Bilateral Projects


The international involvement of the project P1-0404 is obvious from the high number of projects its members are involved in or lead:

  • Nove meje v ekstremalni teoriji grafov / New bounds in extremal graph theory, bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and USA (2022-2024), UP IAM & Mississippi State University (BI-US/22-24-003).
  • Kombinatorna struktura in algebraične lastnosti Q-polinomskih grafov, v katerih je algebra sosednosti zaprta glede na Hadamardov produkt / Combinatorial structure and algebraic properties of Q-polynomial graphs in which the neighborhood algebra is closed with respect to the Hadamard product, bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and USA (2022-2024), UP IAM & University of Wisconsin (BI-US/22-24-008).
  • Kemijski grafi na steroidih / Chemical graphs on steroids, bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and USA (2022-2024), UP IAM & The Maddachusetts College of Liberal Arts (BI-US/22-24-009).
  • Študije dualnosti: grafi na ploskvah in konformni hipergrafi / Duality studies: graphs on surfaces and conformal hypergraphs, bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and USA (2022-2024), UP IAM & Rutgers University (BI-US/22-24-149).
  • Razdaljno-regularni grafi z natanko tremi nerazcepnimi T-moduli s krajščem 1, od katerih so vsi tanki / Distance-regular graphs with exactly three non-split T-modules with endpoint 1, all of which are thin, bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and USA (2022-2024), UP IAM & Seattle University (BI-US/22-24-172).
  • Problemi ohranjevalcev v kvantni mehaniki / Preservers problems in quantum mechanics, bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and USA (2022-2024), UP FAMNIT & Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (BI-US/22-24-129).
  • Nekatere strukturne lastnosti Cayleyjevih grafov / Some structural properties of Cayley graphs, bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and USA (2022-2024), UP FAMNIT & Kennesaw State University (BI-US/22-24-067).
  • Razvoj računalniških algoritmov za simulacije molekulske dinamike makromolekul / Development of computer algorithms for simulations of molecular dynamics of macromolecules, bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and USA (2022-2024), UP FAMNIT & National Institute of Health (BI-US/22-24-057).
  • Matroidi s tranzitivno grupo avtomorfizmov / Matroids with transitive automorphism group, bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and USA (2022-2024), UP FAMNIT & University of Mississippi (BI-US/22-24-076).
  • Nekateri problemi v hipergrafih, grafih in igrah / Some problems in hypergraphs, graphs and games, bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and USA (2022-2024), UP FAMNIT & Rutgers University (BI-US/22-24-093).
  • Kombinatorične igre na Ferrerovih diagramih - algoritmični pristop / Combinatorial games on Ferrer's diagrams - algorithmic approach, bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and USA (2022-2024), UP FAMNIT & Rhodes College (BI-US/22-24-164).
  • Optimization and fault forecasting in port logistics processes using artificial intelligence, process mining and operations research - research cooperation between RS and Hungary (2021-2023), InnoRenew & University of Pannonia.
  • Gibanja z racionalnimi zlepki nizkih stopenj / Rational spline motions of a low degree, bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and USA (2019-2021), UP IAM & Mississippi State University.
  • Enhanced Wood Properties of Low-Grade Timber Through Densification Coupled with Natural, Plant-Based Polymers - research cooperation between RS and Turkey (2020-2023), InnoRenew & Karadeniz Technical University
  • Optimization problems of the residual biomass value chain - research cooperation between RS and Austria (2020-2022), InnoRenew & Vienna University of Technology
  • Postkvantna kriptoanaliza bločnih šifer / Post-quantum cryptanalysis of block ciphers, bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and Denmark (2020-2022), UP IAM & DTU Compute 
  • Izboljšana kakovost notranjega okolja in uporaba obnovljivih materialov v notranjih prostorih za zmanjšanje stresa pri uporabnikih stavb / Reducing occupant stress through improved indoor environmental quality and the use renewable materials indoors, bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and Finland (2020-2022), InnoRenew & Natural Resources Institute Finland
  • F-WORM barvanja v hereditarnih grafovskih razredih / F-WORM colorings in hereditary graph classes, bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and USA (2019-2021), UP IAM & Troy University.
  • Razvoj računalniških algoritmov za simulacije molekulske dinamike makromolekul / Computer Algorithm Development for Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Macromolecules, bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and USA (2019-2021), UP FAMNIT & National Institutes of Health.
  • Structural Properties of Cayley graphs: bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and USA (2018-2020), UP IAM and Kennesaw State University.
  • Plateaued functions and their applications: bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and USA (2018-2020), UP IAM and Emory University.
  • Computer Algorithm Development for Binding Site Prediction in Pharmaceutical Discovery: bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and Germany (2018-2019), UP FAMNIT and Technische Universität Dresden.
  • Nonparametric statistics, Brownian motion and analysis: bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and USA (2018-2019), UP IAM and University of Washington.
  • Modelling with Pythagorean- Hodograph Curves: bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and USA (2018-2020)
  • Motion design with rational curves: bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and Russia (2019 - 2020), UP IAM and Sobolev Institute of Mathematics of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
  • Semiregular and quasi-semiregular automorphisms of graphs: bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and BiH (2019-2020), UP IAM and University of Tuzla.
  • Kvazi razdaljno-uravnoteženi grafi: bilateralno znanstveno - raziskovalno sodelovanje med RS in Rusko federacijo (2019-2020), UP IAM in Lomonosov Moscow State University.
  • Complements of edge-regular graphs: bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and BiH (2019-2020), UP IAM and University of Zenica.
  • Graph searching, graph classes, and generalizations of chordality: bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and Germany (2019-2021), UP IAM in BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg.
  • Lignocelulozni kompoziti z micelijem (miko-kompoziti) s programirano življnsko dobo (MYCO-END): bilateralno znanstveno - bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and Turkey (2019-2022), InnoRenew and Karadeniz Technical University
  • Functions on finite fields: bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and Germany (2019-2021), UP IAM and Otto-von-Guericke University.
  • Na sinhrotronu osnovana analiza zgoščenega lesa, impregniranega s strjevalnimi smolami: raziskovalno sodelovanje med RS in ZDA (2018-2020): UP IAM and Forest Products Laboratory, Madison.
  • Analysis of bent Boolean functions in terms of new metrics, bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and BiH (2021-2023), UP FAMNIT & University of Tuzla.
  • Semi-simples algebras associated to directed graphs and its applications, bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and BiH (2021-2023), UP IAM & University of Zenica.